Debate Club

Our Debate team had a great win before Christmas against Holy Rosary NS, Wicklow Town.

The three girls did our school very proud. Here are some pictures of them in action...

This term we are preparing the other members of the club for their debut debate with the topic of racism. The group are working hard getting their speeches ready in time to show case the debate to some of the senior classes in the school in February.

After Mid Term we will be inviting Holy Rosary back to St Fergal's for another debate. 

Science fun!

Second class engaging with the discovery primary science investigations. Dancing raisins, magnetism and snake spirals. 


Let me predict what will happen when I add raisins to a fizzy drink! 


We made a paper clip float without our magnet touching it!  


Experimenting with different size magnets. 


Our snakes will only spin if we have heat below it. 


Hot air rising and cold air takes its place. Look at our snakes spin! 


Healthy Eating Policy

St Fergal’s National School – Healthy Eating Policy

This policy was formulated by the staff of St Fergal’s in consultation with parents, students and Board of Management.

Aims of this policy:

Ø To help all those in our school community – children, staff and parents - to develop positive attitudes to eating and healthy living.

Ø To promote the health of the children and provide a foundation for healthy living.

Ø To enable the children to become more aware of the need for healthy food in their lunch boxes and the importance of good nutrition for growing and staying healthy

Ø To enable the child, as they get older, to accept some personal responsibility for making wise food choices and adopting a healthy balanced diet.

v We hope to review these guidelines at the end of this school year and every two years after that.

Here are our Guidelines to help you make the right decisions for your child’s daily nutrition...


The best choice       At meal times only         Not tooth friendly

ü It is important that children take enough fluids during the day. If they do not drink enough, they may become dehydrated, thirsty, tired and weak.

ü Water and milk are the most suitable drinks for children.

ü Because of its natural sugar content, unsweetened fruit juice should be consumed with meals and ideally diluted.




Unsweetened fruit Juice

Flavoured Milk *  

Diluted sugar free juices

Yoghurt or milk drinks* 


Fruit Juices (Unsweetened)

Flavoured Water

Sweetened Fruit Juice drink

* Compare brands and choose those that are lower in sugar – You’d be surprised how much sugar are in some drinks.




The best choice       Not Bad         Not tooth friendly

Breads and Cereals

Meat and alternatives

Dairy Products

2 slices of bread

1 small roll

1 tortilla wrap

1 Pitta Bread

4-6 Crackers/Breadsticks


1 Small Bagel

Rice Cakes/Oatcakes

Crisp Bread

1 Pancake

Plain Scones


2 Slices of ham/chicken/turkey etc.

Hummus Dip with some veg sticks.

A pot of natural yoghurt

A Fruit Yoghurt

A small portion of cheddar or other cheeses.


Cheese triangles

v Every lunchboxes should include some fruit and veg if possible


The following is a list of things that are not allowed in school  

Fizzy drinks

Energy Drinks



Chewing Gum


Fruits Winders (These are considered sweets)

Bars, including cereal bars

Cakes and Pastries e.g. buns, chocolate croissants, doughnuts etc.

Chocolate (including spreads) and Biscuits

Nuts: All nuts are banned in school due to allergies, as well as the following:

·       Nut based breads and cereal/health bars containing nuts or labelled “may contain nut traces”

·       If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure their hands and face have been thoroughly washed before entering the school.

·       Ask children not to share their lunches.

Children have two break times to eat for about 10-15 minutes each.

Fractions and Andy Warhol

Third class has great fun learning all about fractions last week. We could even relate fractions to our art lesson!

We had been discussing halves, quarters and eighths. We had been dividing up materials into equal groups, making sure they were all the same. So we were inspired by Andy Warhols images, where he repeats the same image using lots of different colours. We discussed the fact that he drew things that were part of pop culture in the 50's and compared it to our pop culture now. This provided inspiration for emojis, pokemon, youtube and various foods! 



First class were learning a little about the badger this year so we decided to make our own! The children moulded their badgers from clay and painted them when they were dry. They absolutely loved it!! Take a look at them having a boogie while they work!! :)





First class went swimming for the first time today! We were all a little nervous and a lot excited!!! Everyone was very brave and ended up having a great time! Take a look at Ms Walsh's eager beavers getting ready to make waves at Shoreline! :)

Big thanks to everyone who came to help us and cheer us on :)


Keith Haring Art

Keith Haring inspired Third Class Art last week. He was an Artist from USA. He did not like formal art and was inspired by pop art. He created images that were simple and stylised. He used bold lines, bright colours and created a sense of movement in his art. Here are some examples of his work 


From his work, we were inspired to make art like his! 



Jolly Phonics and Writing Workshop

Next week we invite parents/ guardians of Junior Infants back to the classroom to discuss how phonics are taught in the class and to get involved in a phonics activity with your child.

Notes have been sent home - please return the slip at the bottom of the letter stating who will attend for your child.

Dates are as follows:

Tuesday 24th January 2017 - Ms. Egan's class

Wednesday 25th January 2017 - Ms. Kelly's class

Thursday 25th January 2017 - Ms. Ms Donald's class

All workshops will run from 1.05 - 1.30. We're looking forward to seeing you all there!

Christmas Plays

Over the next two weeks we have wonderful plays going on to celebrate Christmas.

We would love for you to come and see the plays and cheer on your child.

This Wednesday 14th at 12pm, Junior Infants will have their play altogether in the Junior Building hall.

 On Tuesday 20th at 9.30 the Early Start groups are putting on their concerts in their classrooms. All children must be in by 9.15am.

Also on Tuesday 20th at 1pm the 1st class children will put on their Christmas play in the Junior Building hall.

On the 21st December the whole school community is invited to St. Fergal's church to watch the Junior production of Busy Bethlehem performed by 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. This will take place at 11am.

Later that same day the Senior children from 4th, 5th and 6th class will perform Hosanna Rock at 1pm. Ms.Connolly's class will be the actors.

Please come and join us for the festivities.

Debate Club

Our 6th Class Debate club takes place every Tuesday after school from 2:30 -3:30pm. We discuss a range of issues that affect the students' lives as well as current affairs. Topics can vary from new school uniforms to the presidential election in the US.

We have great fun arguing with each other.

The team will be taking on Holy Rosary NS in Wicklow Town next Tuesday 13th December. The current topic is quite lighthearted in keeping with the time of year.

The motion is: "Scrooge is a better role model than Santa". Our team are opposing this motion so our three speakers have worked hard on their speeches to make sure that once they're finished speaking, everyone will agree that Santa Claus is a much better role model than Scrooge. 

Hopefully the judges will be persuaded enough to give our team the win!

Watch this space for pictures and results on the day!

And don't forget to wish Avamay, Aoife and Laura the best of luck!

Local History

The 4th classes have been learning all about the Bray town hall this term. We asked lots of questions including:

When was it built? Why it was built? Who built it?

We looked at lots of pictures of the building both modern and old. Here are a few of them...

After reading some information about the Brabazon family – we were lucky enough to be able to walk down and have a look at the building close up.

We see it all the time but this time we were able to go upstairs and see where the first town council meeting was held. We even saw where our very own Mr O’ Brien and Mr Behan sit when they attend town council meetings.

We re-enacted a town council meeting while we were there and discovered the answers to all our questions about the building and the statue in front of it.

Afterwards, we did some artwork and wrote out some of our newly learnt facts about the building.

Have a look at our pics and facts. Maybe you'll learn something new as well!


Decoupage Course

Decoupage involves cutting out pictures, gluing them to an object and then coating the pictures and the object with layers of varnish. The finished item can look so beautiful that it appears to be professionally painted.

Starting : Monday 16th of January

Time:       11:00am - 1:00pm

Venue:    Art Room St. Kilian's C.S.

Cost:       €2 per session (for 6 weeks)

Please Contact Emma O'Sullivan if you are interested 085 755 7542