World Book Day

Today was World Book Day. It was a great day. The children made a huge effort to dress up as various characters from their favourite books. There were lots of genres of books discussed such as story books, factual books, annuals and comics. We talked about the characters in stories and what some of our favourite stories were. Some of the older classes did paired reading with the younger classes and each class took part in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) for some time. The younger classes had an assembly to show off all their costumes. Don't the children look wonderful!?!


These are children in Ms Roche's Third Class all dressed up in their costumes.

Butter Making

This week we were learning about butter with our visiting teacher Ms Gormley. We had amazing fun today when we got to make our own!!! We started off with a little cream, a rhyme and some hard work and abracadabra!!!! It tasted yummy!!!!


First class were learning a little about the badger this year so we decided to make our own! The children moulded their badgers from clay and painted them when they were dry. They absolutely loved it!! Take a look at them having a boogie while they work!! :)





First class went swimming for the first time today! We were all a little nervous and a lot excited!!! Everyone was very brave and ended up having a great time! Take a look at Ms Walsh's eager beavers getting ready to make waves at Shoreline! :)

Big thanks to everyone who came to help us and cheer us on :)


Christmas Plays

Over the next two weeks we have wonderful plays going on to celebrate Christmas.

We would love for you to come and see the plays and cheer on your child.

This Wednesday 14th at 12pm, Junior Infants will have their play altogether in the Junior Building hall.

 On Tuesday 20th at 9.30 the Early Start groups are putting on their concerts in their classrooms. All children must be in by 9.15am.

Also on Tuesday 20th at 1pm the 1st class children will put on their Christmas play in the Junior Building hall.

On the 21st December the whole school community is invited to St. Fergal's church to watch the Junior production of Busy Bethlehem performed by 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. This will take place at 11am.

Later that same day the Senior children from 4th, 5th and 6th class will perform Hosanna Rock at 1pm. Ms.Connolly's class will be the actors.

Please come and join us for the festivities.

Roots of Empathy

Baby Mark came into visit Mrs Loftus' class with his Mammy. 


Suzanne leads the Roots of Empathy programme in that room. 


The children in the room were so excited for his arrival and there was a great buzz when he left.


The children work on different topics with Suzanne and Mrs Loftus before Baby Mark comes in. He will visit a few times throughout the year.  

